
You Are

Sentinel Starship 🎉

Vigilant and protective, you are dedicated to safeguarding against threats and maintaining the security of digital realms.


About You 🧑‍💻

Vigilant and protective, you are dedicated to safeguarding against threats and maintaining the security of digital realms. You are meticulous in their approach, constantly monitoring for vulnerabilities and implementing robust defenses to ensure the integrity of systems and information.

Prepare for launch aboard the Sentinel Starship, the ultimate guardian of digital fortresses! Safeguard your career trajectory as you embark on an interstellar voyage through key Cybersecurity skills and tools, defending against cyber threats and securing the galaxy's most critical assets.

Suitable Jobs 💼

Cybersecurity Analyst, Ethical Hacker, Security Architect, Network Security Engineer, Information Security Consultant

Potential Earning 💸

S$120-180K Per Annum

Skills 🪄

Threat Modelling, Security Technologies

Recommended Course ⭐️

Work Besties 🫶

Crypto Comet