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A Complete Guide: Difference between UX and UI Design

by | Oct 30, 2023

You’re not the only one who has been unsure about the difference between UI design and UX design. Although used interchangeably, they actually mean quite different things.

While UI design concentrates on the visual, interactive parts of a product to produce aesthetically beautiful interfaces, UX design concentrates on establishing a smooth and meaningful user experience by understanding consumer needs, conducting research, and building intuitive interfaces.

Continue reading to discover more about the differences between UI and UX, how they correlate, responsibilities, and other aspects.

What Is the Difference Between UI and UX Design?

User experience design is referred to as “UX design,” whereas “user interface design” is referred to as “UI design.” Both components are essential to a product and collaborate closely. However, the positions are fairly different, as it refers to quite different areas of the product development process and the design discipline.

What is user interface (UI) design?

User Interface (UI) Design is the process of creating interfaces in software or computerised devices with a focus on looks and style. It’s about designing the points of interaction between the user and the digital product, ensuring that the visual communication is clear, intuitive, and attractive.

In the digital age, the first impression of a product or service often comes from its user interface. A well-designed UI not only pleases the eye but also facilitates effective and enjoyable interactions between the user and the product. In a world where users have a myriad of choices, a poorly designed UI can quickly deter potential users or customers.

Key components of UI Design

The importance of a compelling user interface cannot be overstated. As the virtual bridge between users and technology, a well-crafted interface can either make or break an individual’s experience with digital platforms, be it a mobile app, website, or any software application. 

At the heart of this interface lies UI design, a delicate blend of aesthetics and functionality, striving to ensure both clarity and visual appeal. But what exactly makes a UI design stand out? Dive into the key components of UI design to understand the building blocks that collectively construct an interface that’s both engaging and intuitive.

1. Layout 

This refers to the arrangement of elements on a page or screen, including buttons, icons, images, text, and other items. The goal is to ensure information is presented clearly and that users can find what they’re looking for easily.

2. Typography

The art of arranging text in a legible and aesthetically pleasing manner. It involves choosing the right fonts, sizes, spacing, and colour to ensure text is both readable and harmonious within the design.

3. Colour Scheme 

Colour can influence user emotions, perceptions, and actions. UI designers carefully select colours that not only align with a brand but also improve user experience, such as providing good contrast or directing attention.

4. Interaction 

This involves designing the interactive elements of a user interface, such as buttons, sliders, and other controls. It’s about ensuring that users get feedback when they interact with these elements, such as a button changing colour when hovered over.

5. Icons and Imagery 

These are graphical elements used to represent features, information, or actions. They should be clear, recognizable, and in tune with the overall design aesthetic.

6. Animations and Transitions 

These can provide feedback, guide tasks, and enhance the overall user experience. However, they should be used judiciously, as excessive or poorly implemented animations can be distracting or slow down the application.

7. Consistency: 

Keeping the look and feel of the interface consistent across different sections or pages ensures a cohesive user experience. It makes the interface more predictable and easier for users to understand.

8. Accessibility 

Just as in UX, UI design must consider accessibility. This includes providing high contrast colour combinations, legible fonts, and alternate text for images, ensuring that the interface is usable for everyone, including those with disabilities.

User Experience (UX) Design is the art and science of crafting a product, system, or service that offers a meaningful and relevant experience to users. The main goal is to meet the specific needs of the user in the most effective and enjoyable way, without causing confusion or inconvenience.

What is user experience (UX) design?

In today’s saturated market, providing a stellar user experience can set a product or service apart from its competitors. A positive UX leads to increased user satisfaction, loyalty, and, consequently, better business outcomes. On the contrary, a poor UX can deter users, leading to lost opportunities and negative perceptions of a brand.

Key Components of UX Design

In the vast realm of digital products, a memorable application is based on the experience it offers to its users. This journey, often seamless when executed well, is meticulously crafted behind the scenes by the principles and elements of User Experience (UX) Design. It is the invisible hand that guides, the subtle nudge that directs, and the empathetic understanding that caters to user needs. But what are the fundamental pillars that ensure an experience is user-centric, efficient, and delightful? Let’s embark on an exploration of the key components of UX Design, delving into the very essence of what makes a digital interaction truly resonate with its users.

1. Research 

This is the foundation of UX design. It involves understanding the target audience, their needs, preferences, and behaviour. Techniques might include surveys, interviews, observations, and usability tests.

2. User Personas 

These are fictional but detailed representations of different segments of your target audience, helping to bring clarity and focus to the design process.

3. Information Architecture 

This deals with the organisation and structure of content and information in a system, ensuring that users can navigate smoothly and find what they’re looking for.

4. Wireframing and Prototyping 

Before the actual design process, UX designers create wireframes (basic blueprints) and prototypes (interactive mock-ups) of the product to test and refine concepts.

5. Usability 

A primary goal in UX design is to create products that are straightforward and intuitive. Usability ensures that users can achieve their goals efficiently and without frustration.

6. Interaction Design 

Concerned with how users interact with a product, interaction design focuses on creating logical flows and easy-to-use interfaces.

7. Feedback and Iteration 

UX design is rarely a one-and-done process. Designers collect feedback from users, make adjustments, and then test again, iterating until they achieve the desired user experience.

8. Accessibility:


Ensuring that products are usable by people with disabilities, thereby providing an inclusive experience for a wider audience.

Understanding the difference between UI and UX Design

While both UI and UX design aim to improve the interaction between users and a product, they focus on different facets of the product design process. Let’s delve into their distinct roles and how they complement each other. UX is about the overall user experience (how it feels), while UI is about how the product is laid out and how it looks (visual design). UX encompasses the entire user journey and interaction with a product, while UI zooms in on the visual touchpoints that facilitate that interaction.

The success of UX design is often measured by user satisfaction, efficiency, and overall experience. In contrast, UI success might be gauged by the visual coherence, aesthetic appeal, and emotional responses it evokes. Though distinct, UI and UX are deeply intertwined. A beautiful interface (UI) won’t save a product if it’s hard to use (poor UX). Conversely, a superbly usable product (good UX) may not gain traction if it’s visually unappealing (poor UI). The best products often have both: an intuitive user experience backed by a captivating user interface.

How do they correlate?

At the heart of digital product design are two intertwined disciplines: UI and UX design. These two, while having different focuses, work hand-in-hand to ensure a cohesive and engaging user experience. But what exactly is their correlation?

Sequential Dependency 

Typically, the UX design process starts before the UI. Once the user flow, wireframes, and overall structure of the product are laid out through UX practices, the UI designers step in to bring those wireframes to life with colour, typography, icons, and more.

Mutual Impact 

A well-designed UI can enhance the UX. An aesthetically pleasing, intuitive interface can elevate user satisfaction. Conversely, even the most visually appealing UI can falter if the underlying UX is flawed.

Shared Goal 

Both UI and UX designers share a common goal – ensuring users have a positive interaction with the product. They just approach this goal from different angles.

Harmony is Key 

The most successful digital products find harmony between UI and UX. If one falls short, the other can’t fully compensate. For example, a beautiful UI won’t redeem a product with confusing navigation. Similarly, an excellent user flow might be overlooked if the visuals are jarring or outdated.

Feedback Loop 

UI and UX designers often work in tandem, constantly iterating based on feedback. A decision in the UI phase might loop back to the UX for adjustments and vice versa.

Think of building a product like building a house. The UX design is similar to the blueprint: it outlines the foundation, structure, and the flow from room to room. The UI design, on the other hand, is like the paint, furniture, and decor. It’s what makes a house aesthetically pleasing. While you can have a house without decor (UI), or decor without a house (UX), it’s the combination of both that truly makes a home inviting and functional.

In conclusion, UI and UX are two sides of the same coin. Their correlation is a testament to the importance of a holistic approach in digital product design, emphasising both form and function. 

Which is suitable for you?

While UI and UX design are correlated, you don’t have to be a professional at both.

To figure out which role is better for you, you should know the skills required for a UI and UX designer and also the difference between their salaries.

Skills Required for UI Design

Amidst the digital landscape, the visual touchpoints that captivate, guide, and engage users are the result of meticulous UI Design. As the artistic backbone of applications and websites, User Interface (UI) Design marries aesthetics with functionality, ensuring not only a feast for the eyes but also an intuitive journey for users. 

But crafting such compelling interfaces demands more than just an eye for beauty; it requires a gamut of skills ranging from technical prowess to artistic intuition. So, what are the key competencies that shape an adept UI designer? Join us as we delve into the essential skills that lie at the heart of standout UI Design.

Visual Design 

UI designers must have a keen eye for aesthetics. They need to understand principles like typography, colour theory, and grid systems to craft visually appealing interfaces.

Graphic Design Software 

Proficiency in tools like Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch, Illustrator, and Photoshop is often essential for creating and editing design elements.


The ability to create interactive prototypes using tools like InVision or Marvel helps UI designers test and showcase the functionality of their designs.


Understanding the nuances of branding ensures that UI designs align with a brand’s identity, values, and aesthetics.


Knowledge of micro-interactions and transitions can enhance the interface. Tools like After Effects or Principle can be used to craft these animations.


With the variety of devices today, a UI designer should be skilled in designing for different screen sizes and resolutions, ensuring a consistent look across platforms.


UI designers often work closely with UX designers, developers, and stakeholders. Effective communication and teamwork are crucial.

Skills Required for UX Design

In the digital world, User Experience (UX) Design emerges as the thread weaving together human emotions, needs, and the digital interfaces they interact with. Far beyond mere aesthetics, UX Design is a multifaceted discipline that delves into the very heart of human-digital interactions, ensuring they’re intuitive, meaningful, and delightful. 

But what does it take to master this unique blend of art and science? What skill sets empower a designer to step into the shoes of users, envisioning and crafting experiences that resonate deeply? Let’s navigate the essential skills required for UX Design, unearthing the competencies that transform a good designer into a great one.


UX designers must conduct user research to gather insights. This involves methods like surveys, interviews, and usability testing.

User Personas and Storytelling 

Creating detailed user personas and user stories helps in understanding and catering to the target audience’s needs.

Wireframing and Prototyping 

Using tools like Balsamiq, Axure, or Figma, UX designers create wireframes (low-fidelity blueprints) and prototypes (high-fidelity mock-ups) to visualise and test their ideas.

Information Architecture 

The ability to structure and organise information in a logical and user-friendly manner.

Usability Testing 

This involves testing prototypes on actual users to gather feedback and refine the design.


UX design is all about identifying problems and coming up with efficient solutions.


A successful UX designer can put themselves in the user’s shoes, understanding their needs, pain points, and desires.


UX designers often collaborate with UI designers, developers, marketers, and other stakeholders. Effective communication and understanding of these domains are essential.

While UI and UX require different skill sets, there’s considerable overlap. Many designers specialise in both areas, often referred to as “UI/UX designers.” The integration of both skill sets is valuable since an understanding of user experience can inform interface decisions, and vice versa.

Becoming a UI/UX Designer

With the digital landscape constantly evolving, there’s a high demand for skilled UI/UX designers. Singapore, being a tech hub, offers a plethora of opportunities for those aiming to break into this field. If you’re contemplating a career switch or simply looking to upskill, here’s a step-by-step guide on becoming a UI/UX designer in the Lion City.

1. Understand the Basics

Before diving in, familiarise yourself with the core concepts of UI and UX. While they often go hand in hand, they focus on different aspects of design. UX centres on the user’s overall experience, while UI delves into the visual aspects of a design.

2. Equip Yourself with the Right Tools

There are numerous design and prototyping tools in the market. Tools like Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch, and InVision have become industry standards. Familiarity with these tools can give you an edge.

3. Undertake Formal Training

While self-learning is valuable, structured courses provide guided learning, mentorship, and industry insights. Singapore offers a variety of courses tailored to UI/UX.

Vertical Institute is one such esteemed institution offering cutting-edge courses in UX design. With a curriculum tailored to industry needs and experienced mentors guiding you, it’s an investment worth making for your career.

4. Build a Portfolio

Your portfolio is a testament to your skills. Work on personal projects, offer freelance services, or even collaborate with peers to build a robust portfolio. Remember to include case studies, showcasing not just the end result but also your thought and design process.

5. Stay Updated

The design world is ever-evolving. Join design communities, attend workshops, and participate in webinars. Platforms like Behance, Dribbble, and Medium have a wealth of resources and trends shared by industry experts.

6. Network

Singapore’s tech community is vibrant and offers numerous networking opportunities. Join design meetups, participate in tech events, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn. Engaging with the community can open doors to job opportunities and collaborations.\

7. Secure Internships or Entry-level Positions

Experience is key. Seek internships or junior positions to gain real-world experience. Even if it’s a short stint, the exposure to live projects, team dynamics, and client interactions will be invaluable.

8. Continuous Learning

The learning doesn’t stop once you land a job. The design world is dynamic, and staying updated is crucial. Consider advanced courses or specialisations to further enhance your skillset.

Embarking on a UI/UX design career in Singapore is both exciting and rewarding. With the tech industry booming, there’s no better time to delve into the world of design. Equip yourself with the right skills, network with the community, and always keep learning. Remember, every great designer was once a beginner. With dedication and the right resources, like the courses offered at Vertical Institute, your design aspirations can become a reality.

Conclusion: Both UX and UI Co-exist and Plays Important Roles

In the world of digital design, both UX and UI play pivotal roles, each with its unique rhythm and purpose. While UX maps out the journey, ensuring it’s smooth and user-centric, UI adorns this journey with visual elements that enhance and engage.

Together, they form the backbone of any memorable digital experience. As we’ve journeyed through their distinctions, it’s evident that a harmonious blend of both is crucial for creating digital products that truly resonate with users. 

If you’re inspired to delve deeper into this fascinating realm or wish to master the nuances of UX and UI, consider seeking structured guidance. Vertical Institute offers beginner-friendly UX Design Bootcamp that is taught by industry experts, and you can claim up to 70% course subsidy too. You can learn everything about UX Design from the bootcamp and put the skills you’ve learnt during the capstone project.

About Vertical Institute

We’re building the future of work. Vertical Institute prepares individuals for the jobs of tomorrow. We specialise in teaching in-demand skills, building the next generation of changemakers and inventors through our world-class tech courses and certifications.

Vertical Institute is accredited as an Approved Training Provider (ATO) by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and The Institute of Banking & Finance Singapore (IBF). All our courses are government-subsidised, eligible for SkillsFuture Credits usage, and NTUC UTAP Funding.