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5 Skills Every UX Designer Needs

by | Jul 15, 2022

User experience design course - Vertical Institute

Wondering about the skills needed to be a UX UI designer? One of the most searched careers in tech is UX design. Ranking at number 5 of LinkedIn’s Top 10 Hard Skills of 2020, the demand for UX designers is growing steadily amid rapid advancement of the internet, social media and technology.

Also among Glassdoor’s 50 Best Jobs in America, it is evident that more people are looking to recruit UX designers or become one themselves. 

This field is diverse with many UX designers coming from different backgrounds and skillsets. Hence, having the right set of skills is key to being hired, as UX design is often an ideal pairing of technical skills and soft skills.

Let’s take a look at the 5 skills every UX designer needs to succeed in their career.

Wireframing & Prototyping

One of a UX designer’s core skill is wireframing and prototyping. They are the elements of design and hands-on skills that requires practice to master. They use wireframes in the product development process–which is a layout on a web page that takes into account of the user journey and the user’s needs.

On the other hand, they create prototypes which are samples or mock-ups of the final product to review and gather feedback.

Visual Design and Software

Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are the most used softwares by UX designers to create visual elements of a product. Being proficient with these softwares combined with good knowledge of visual design–like colour theory, typography and building visual hierarchy is essential in this profession.

User Research & Usability Testing

User research is necessary to identify users and understand who they are. UX designers use this information to design a product that solves a user’s problem or meets the user’s need. 

Gathering information from users as they interact with a design or product is a valued skill for UX designers. Data-driven research would allow them to improve on their design and build better prototypes for the best user experience.


Being a good team player is an underrated soft skill. Collaborating with different members and teams regularly is an inevitable part of being a UX designer. They will work with leaders to discuss and achieve business goals, join forces with other designers to work on visual elements for a prototype, and even communicate with developers to code their designs.

The ability to work well with others helps UX designers give and receive feedback too, so they can create better products and be more valuable to the business.

Curiosity and Continuous Learning

Having an innate curiosity and constantly seeking ways to enhance experiences is an essential trait of every good UX designer. They have a desire to keep learning and think creatively to improve the journey of their users. These qualities are also beneficial for a UX designer’s career growth as they continue to push the envelope and gain more working experience.

To boost curiosity and your desire to learn, make a habit of listening to others, think critically of their problems and ask important questions on how to make their user journeys’ and experiences better.

Learn the Skills Needed to be a UX UI Designer

Do you have what it takes to be a UX designer? Consider enrolling in our User Experience Bootcamp.

Learn the core skillset of UX design and get certified with Vertical Institute’s User Experience Design course. It is taught by the top UX experts in Singapore and our successful alumni now thrive in their roles in reputable companies like Facebook, DBS, Samsung and YouTube.

The online course is also IBF-eligible and claimable with NTUC UTAP Funding so you can offset your course fees.

About Vertical Institute

Vertical Institute prepares individuals for the jobs of tomorrow. We specialise in teaching in-demand skills, building the next generation of changemakers and inventors through our world-class tech courses and certifications. 

Singaporeans and PRs can receive up to 70% IBF Funding off their course fees with Vertical Institute. The remaining fees can be claimable with NTUC UTAP Funding or SkillsFuture Credits.

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